Popular Coin Wallet Console RPC Commands

addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <‘[“key”,”key”]’> [account] addnode <node> <add|remove|onetry> backupwallet <destination> createmultisig <nrequired> <‘[“key”,”key”]’> createrawtransaction [{“txid”:txid,”vout”:n},…] {address:amount,…} decoderawtransaction <hex string> dumpprivkey <popcoinaddress> getaccount <popcoinaddress> getaccountaddress <account> getaddednodeinfo <dns> [node] getaddressesbyaccount <account> getbalance [account] [minconf=1] getbestblockhash getblock <hash> [verbose=true] getblockcount getblockhash <index> getblocktemplate [params] getconnectioncount getdifficulty getgenerate gethashespersec getinfo getmininginfo getnetworkhashps [blocks] [height] getnewaddress [account] getpeerinfo getrawmempool getrawtransaction …

How to Manually Add A Source Node to Your Popular Coin Wallet

Sometimes a New Popular Coin Wallet installed on your Computer have a hard time connecting with the network and show as ‘0 Active Connections to the Popularcoin Network’ on the bottom right of your wallet. And your wallet won’t sync with the network because of this. This might mean that you need to add source …